Tuesday, 7 November 2017

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ***WHAT AN AMAZING COUPLE OF WEEKS, HIGHS ,LOWS ,M...

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ***WHAT AN AMAZING COUPLE OF WEEKS, HIGHS ,LOWS ,M...: THE FUN DAY What an amazing day , the wonderful Julie,Stephen,Stuart and teams pulled together the most incredible day . There was...

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ***WHAT AN AMAZING COUPLE OF WEEKS, HIGHS ,LOWS ,M...

***** Please take a minute to read about all the fun we had whilst raising funds for the Together For Tyler Campaign.Tyler pictured with Stephen from the Observor and Stuart and Simon from Spirit .
We are nearly at £15,000!!!! £5000 more and we can book the surveyor , please share this and help us reach the target before Christmas. Thank you to Wendy Hudson and Michelle Dodd for fab pics inculded.***************

 THE FUN DAY What an amazing day , the wonderful Julie,Stephen,Stuart and teams pulled together the most incredible day . There was...



What an amazing day , the wonderful Julie,Stephen,Stuart and teams pulled together the most incredible day . There was everything from Bouncy castle,food,face painting ,stalls ,games football and entertainment . The sun shone and everyone had a wonderful time. Tyler looked amazing in his pumpkin suit and speed round like a demon keeping an eye on everyone .

The first Head to Head between Spirit FM and The Observor
Just for fun some little challenges were devised , the first one was at the Coconut Shy. It was Stephen P for the Observer and Stuart and Simon for Spirit.

As the last picture shows, I think that Stuart was rather pleased to win, in fact he was the only person to knock any off, and just to finish it in style he made in 2 out of 5. So the first challenge goes to Spirit .

Tony's 8th 10k 

Tony also did us proud by completing his 8th 10k, his times just seem to keep getting better and better. I dont know who was more surprised me or him to see Stuart and Simon join him for a lap!!!! Well done guys I couldn't do that. 

I think that after all that exertion they had just enough energy to make it to the cake stall !!!

Old Friends and New.
I was so touched at the amount of people that turned up to support us . I was quite emotional when I realised that Moira one of our life saving nurses from St Richards was there running the tombola. It was also simply great to have Sally A from Spirit there as well, such a busy lady it means the world when people give up their precious free time to join us . But a huge huge thank you to every single person who came along.

Elvis also went down a storm , he was brilliant, although one or two people were a tad nervous that he might try and get them to sing !

Football Comp
A brilliant game of footie was had with teams of mixed ages and ability , the final winning goal was scored by the youngest player on the field George Soothill  at only 7 . What an achievement - well done .
Well I could talk about the fun day all day long but there have been other exciting things going on that I really want to share about .

At the Windmill shopping centre in Barnham , intially this was to solely celebrate Tony's last 10 k, but then we thought while not have a bit of fun at the same time.

Halloween Fun

The 2nd and 3rd Head to Head between Spirit and the Observor.
It seemed to good a chance not to add a couple of challenges in , the first one being :
Cake on a String , you have to eat the cake as quickly as possible with no hand s.

This is deceptively hard , you should really give it a go if you have never done it before. Its also incredibly funny to watch if you get the chance !!! Well I guess as long as you dont have to then have a go.
This challenge was between Stepehn and Stuart and the clear winner was Stephen, meaning it was now one each for both Spirit and Observor.
It seemed a shame to leave it at stale mate so we quickly followed that challenge with apple bobbing . This time for Simon and Stephen,

it has to be said that Stephen was a real pro at this and a clear winner . Bearing in mind it was really quite chilly by this point so they were all brilliant sports for even taking part. I also forgot to take any towels so had to run around and get t towels for them to dry off with .
This brings to head to head total , to 2 -1 to Stepehn , with more challenges at the quizes. I did hear Stuart mention at least it didnt involve custard this time , I cant help but wonder what that was all about , maybe someone could enlighten me ?
So I had the ribbon , we had everyone ready to cheer, Craig was watching for him coming up the road. Then with  just seconds to go a delivery van arrived, we just got that moved and someone decided they had to leave, unfortunately it took them about a 10 point turn. I then ran to put the ribbon across and it snapped!!

Tony's last 10 k race.

Nothing however could take away from Tony's moment of glory, he ran his best time which is simply incredible considering he had just done 10 in 10 days . What an amazing and wonderful thing to do , simply awe inspiring, especially as he undertook the challenge to celebrate turning 50, anyone else fancy a go ?! He even managed to give interviews afterwards.

Huge thank you to Chris from the cafe and all the units that opened to help make the day special.

Money raised to date 

Once all the money is collected in (may take a week or so), our grand total is going to be between £14,000 and £15,000. This takes us tantalisingly close to the £20,000 we need to be able to instruct the surveryor. If you have any thoughts,suggestions, idea's on how we can achieve this brefore Christmas please please do get in touch.

Up an Coming Events 

Wed 29th Nov   Spirit FM Quiz Bognor Football Club

Thurs 30th        Quiz with a difference Chichester Park Hotel

December          Eighties Disco

I have also just heard from the lovely Janet at the pink pub and they are arraning a fun evening involving dressing up.
Please do come along and get involved.

I must apologise to anyone that I havent managed to get a thank you out to yet. This sounds funny but it really wasnt, I started sneezing at 8am in the morning and it carried on for 12 hours non stop. Despite huge amounts of anti histamine it just wouldnt stop, it left me feeling a tad under the weathr .
Touch wood I now feel back to normal so I should be able to get on top of things again.

Being busy has also helped me put the looming date of the scan to the back of my mind. I am trying mindfulness to help with an over active brain, especially at 3am. 

I have been told that I am taking on far too much just so that I dont think about other things, there is probably a lot of truth in this . I am not sure what the alternative is though. I was asked what I wanted for Christmas , but some things you just cant buy, I would give anything just to see Tyler walk up the street independently .

However thinking on them lines is no good to anyone , we all have paths that we may not have chosen , but it really is up to us as to whether we enjoy the journey or not . I have met some of the most inspirational and brave children who never moan or grumble , their courage reminds me of what is truly important.

I am also still plodding on with a gratitude list , sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Just when I was trying to think about what to put on it for Saturday Ben walked in the door , how amazing is that . I was so thrilled to see him, it was lovely to just chat and catch up , we also agreed a lunch date for next weekend .I am so so proud of both of my boys .

I have loads more that I could say but I think that I have rambled on far too long for one day . A friend mentioned that the way to get your blog noticed is to post daily , I wonder if I could do that ...........

As ever if you have any quereies please do get in touch.  If you do read to the end of this please could you send it to everyone you know, email ,FB,Twitter etc .