Tuesday, 6 February 2018

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ******What a madcap start to the year , some resol...

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ******What a madcap start to the year , some resol...: New Years Resolutions  How many of us have actually stuck to the plan we made for January the first , I certainly haven't . H...

******What a madcap start to the year , some resolutuions may actually be restarted for Feb!!!!**** Fundraising and fun is due to start****

New Years Resolutions 

How many of us have actually stuck to the plan we made for January the first , I certainly haven't . However I am not going to give up, mine were pretty predictable, loose weight ,move more and stop being scared of emails and telephone calls. I also wanted to start a new hobby , make sure the dogs walked 5 miles a day ,cleaned the house from top to bottom and generally became an organised wonder woman. Need less to say that hasn't happened, so its time to break it down into small manageable steps, baby steps in fact.

I think that I am slowly learning that I am only human and there is only so much that i can achieve without collapsing . It has also been pointed out to me that I need to keep my priorities straight, before trying to help everyone I need to make sure that everyone close to home is OK. This includes my amazing hubby who is my rock

There are very few marriages that can withstand what we have and still love each other to bits .

Family and Friends 

We have been helped and supported by the most amazing network of family and friends both old and new , without this support I think that we would have crumbled. It amazes me that people who were complete strangers were willing to step in and help and have become really good friends.

Just a few pictures  which show some of the incredible support that we have had to date . I think they also show that we had a bit of fun on the way . I will share more over my coming blogs.

So where are we now 

As many of you know when the surveyor came out we had to increase our part of the the fund raising.

So it was time for Team Tyler

 to pull out the thinking caps,well actually it was tea and cake with Stuart,Stephen, myself and Tyler (and 2 inappropriately behaving dogs,sorry guys, those of you who know us will know exactly what we mean).

The Plan of Action

The first  big challenge to help with the fund raising is the Littlehampton Leap.

 This one is particularly scary for me as I am actually going to take part!!!! Not only am I 50, terrified of heights, a size 18, to top it off its going to be freezing cold. But this is my personal  challenge for together for Tyler so please come along and show your support. 

There will be a team of us jumping in green, the gorgeous Sally Austin, the cheeky Stuart McGinley, a rather competitive Anna, or so I have been told.In addition to this we will be joined by Stephen P from the Obervor fame and Matt one of the Spirit FM local heros. 

There may be a couple of others who can be persuaded to join us , thinking of a certain Simon, likes cake, works for Spirit....... Should anymore clues be needed please do let me know .

If anyone else fancies joining us please do let me know .

I am going to find it incredibly hard to jump so if someone wanted to offer sponsorship to push me this could be an option. 

I also hope to have my hubby Craig and son Ben jumping with me , I am sure that they will give me a push if needed. Although I do hope that the team can jump together , Sally did promise to hold my hand .

 I wont say too much more about this other than it is on Sund 18th Feb, if you would like to jump please do get in touch, if you cant jump please come along and give us a cheer and some sponsorship if you can.

To say that I am terrified is an understatement , it is freezing at present !. Is it really safe for a lumpy 50 yr old to even do this !!!

However this 50 yr old  once committed is quite determined, please do come and show us your support . Spirit will be broadcasting from there for the first hour , and there is hot soup in the arun view so it should be lots of fun. At least for those watching !! Just wish my sis and family up north could be there to see me jump. Lisa, fancy a trip to Bognor!

More Exciting Events 

Andy from the new Charlie Purley Pub has been in touch with two fab ideas, a quiz night and a Robbie Williams tribute night . Both sound a whole heap of fun and it would be greeat if you could join us , who can resist a bit of Robbie, more details to follow. 

Looking forward to meeting up with him tomorrow to chat the events over. Have a look on FB for the event details , I will also post more info in my next blog.

It has been at moment s when I think that we will never get there that inspirational local people get in touch and offer a hand. What this means to us is beyond describable.

The sense of community that has come about through this campaign is just incredible. Spirit and The Observor are working together for the first time and look at what can be achieved . 
It feels like something really special has happened and I hope that when Together For Tyler draws to an end, the project can continue to help other local amazing families. I would certainly love to be part of something so special .

Whilst talking about inspirational people I feel that I must mention   Mr Bognor himself the late Erick Jacks.

 I was  overwhelmed when his family said that instead of flowers they wanted money to go to Tylers Trust . An amazing man who thought of others until the end , what a special family .

  He has certainly inspired myself and many others as to how local communities can help and support each other.


I am looking forward to seeing Julie,Kerry,sue.Matt,Mandy and Tony this weekend, for a bit of brain storming , there may well also be a few drinks to hand to hel with this process.

The end is so close now just a few more events and we could be there.I dont have enough words to thank each and every amazing person who has helped us to get to where we are . 

Please keep your ideas and positive thoughts coming . Also looking forward to catching up with Rita sen and hearing her thoughts . 

My final word has to go to Ben, it was so lovely to see him this weekend and I do hope he is able to join us on the jump, miss him so much but so proud of him x

Please keep sharing  and sending on to anyone who may be interested .

 01243 553280

