Tuesday 7 November 2017

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ***WHAT AN AMAZING COUPLE OF WEEKS, HIGHS ,LOWS ,M...

NHS Needs to join up its services to support our most vunerable young people and become more cost : ***WHAT AN AMAZING COUPLE OF WEEKS, HIGHS ,LOWS ,M...: THE FUN DAY What an amazing day , the wonderful Julie,Stephen,Stuart and teams pulled together the most incredible day . There was...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I have been so sorry to read Tyler’s story - what a brave young man he is! We have had a very similar journey ourselves, when our son, at the tender age of 16, was diagnosed with Chrondoblastic Osteosarcoma, and was told the only way to give him a slim chance of survival would be to amputate his left leg and left side of his pelvis. He was amazing - such a positive attitude & outlook from the very start. Sam recovered after a year of intense treatment , & returned to college to resit some of his GCSE’s. Devastatingly he relapsed in March the following year, but again, with the same positivity & determination, fought the battle &, despite everything against him, recovered. However, less than 4 months after treatment ended, it was back & no amount of chemo helped. He was struggling to get upstairs on the few occasions he was home from hospital. We were very lucky to have a local building company build an extra room for us so that Sam had a downstairs bedroom, and they converted a large portion of our dining room into a large wet room. Sadly Sam only survived for 3 weeks after he came home, and was never well enough to be able to use the wet room. He passed away on 28th October last year, but we were all so thankful to have had those 3 weeks of being able to stay at home with our darling boy. The reason I’m contacting you is - we have the shower cubicle, which was never used & would be delighted to donate it for Tyler if it can be of use? It’s a Kermi make, all glazed and it is 1800mm by 1200mm by 2 meters height. If you would be interested in having it, please contact me - my mobile number is 07989 166807. However, I will need to hear from you sometime this coming week as we have nowhere to store it now we have dismantled it. We can deliver though as my husband has a van. Wishing Tyler the very best, as well as his family. With kind regards. Linda Hedger. (Billingshurst)
