Thursday 8 June 2017



I was so excited to get a call to say that we are now at the top of the council list and that someone would be out to complete the application form. It was a bit of a mixed blessing, although this is absolutely the best thing to happen for Tyler we have to raise a lot of money.
They explained that although we qualify for a full grant we would need to raise appx £30,000 on top of this !!! They wont order the work to start until we have raised at least £20,000, so I spent last night thinking how on earth do we do this quickly , any ideas?
We have some money left from the wheelchair but this is not even a quarter of what we need, we cant remortgage as I am no longer able to work. So fundraising ,grant applications and donations are the way to go.

We have already had some friends/colleagues come forward to say that they will fund raise for us which is fantastic. The council are happy if people are able to pledge money that they put this in writing but that the funds wont be needed until the build starts .
This is literally going to be life changing for Tyler if you have any ideas please please do let me know. We hope to get Tyler back into St Phillip Howard and with the adaptions and the electric wheelchair we will be able to independently get himself there.

It finally feels so close to getting him what he needs but so far at the same time. To many £30,000 is not a huge amount of money but at the moment it feels like a mountain to climb. Please help us give this amazing young man a shot at a the independent for filling life he so deserves.

Please can you share this plee with anyone who may be able to help and forward it far and wide .
You can reach us at 

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